My Neighbor

Every morning she walked her dog
Each afternoon, and after dinner
So when they said she looked frail
I wondered

 At the funeral home she lay
Reposed in her silken shroud
Her bony fingers clenched
As if urging death’s bridle
To yield its claim

Master no longer
Of her earthly domain
I wondered
If at heaven’s gate
Awaits, some unworldly travel
With many celestial orbs to pass
With wings and chariot as bearers
To bode the rebirth of her
New lightened load

Now, a communion of creatures,
Carry her on an everlasting journey
So into the morning, or late afternoon
Or after dinner, if I choose
I can see her
Walking her dog thru eternity’s grove
Wind to her back
And a new lightened load

2 Responses

  1. Yeah, I like this, the line ‘If at heavens gate’ has a powerful ring to it.

  2. What a way to come back, John! This is wonderful, such a whimsical tale. Thank you for sharing with us again.

    Welcome back 🙂

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